The Clash of Valentine's Day & CNY =.=
13 & 14th of Feb 2010....
Finally the holiday...and now, as I'm about to update my blog, today would be my last day for holiday. Again, how time flies...
I've bet almost everyone had planned their holiday but for me, all I wanted was to catch up some sleep on that Saturday. I woke up early though as I need to get back to Kajang to pick up some stuff before I got back in time in Kepong as my friend Ycca told me that we're going somewhere with the sport attire. My guess was we're going to hit the gym. =.=
Too bad she wasn't spilling much when I popped out a few questions to her.
But then, we had to go for a brief shopping before hitting the gym and when we arrived at the gym...I was bewildered. Fitness First?! =.=
First of all, I dreaded with the idea of going to gym since she didn't tell much about it. Addmore, I wasn't ready to sweat at a fitness center!
Only then I knew she's a new member of that fitness center and able to invite a friend to go with her occasionally. The thing was that, I was so tired and sleepy at that point. More like a grumpy old lady..
As the substituted personal trainer of hers approached her, we were told to go for the treadmill. Frankly speaking, I loved it. Nice environment..there were like more than 10 TVs in front with different channels to watch while you're working your ass hard to sweat or you could just plug in the headphone to the equipment to tune into your favourite channel.
Then, we proceed to the exercise bikes. Little did I know, I almost caught in asthma while doing it! I was trying so hard as my friend was like so way ahead of me and with that personal trainer kept on telling me to speed it up...what the heck! What made it even worse was that, my butt hurt like hell!! I guess I didn't adjust my seat well before I got onto it.
Teruk lar me...With that, I would say that's my least favourite part of it eventhough I love cycling on a real bicycle. I was struggling gasping air while trying hard to finish up the 10 minutes on that bike. That was the longest 10 minutes in my life, duh!

So, it's not that bad after all except the part where I almost had my asthma on the exercise bikes...couldn't believe that! So far I have no problem with my asthma when I'm swimming but really didn't expected that could happen at the gym.
Finally, we left with the satisfying smiling faces for able to burn some calories there....but however, we compensated the burnt calories with another eat out at KFC with Jessie after picking her up at Kepong Sentral! Waduh waduh.....So I guess the work out merely did the favour of burning the calories. But hey, we had fun! ^^
Proceed to the next plan for the day was, hangout session at Prakash's place as Ycca's colleague invited us to celebrate the CNY Eve & Valentine's day in advance I guess. At first, I was a bit reluctant when Ycca told me the idea as I'm not familiar with Prakash and Vijay eventhough we all work in the same company. But heck, better spend some time outside during such occasion so I tagged along. Would be so pitiful to stay at home isn't it? @___@
After bought some snacks at Jusco, off we went to the next destination...Damansara Suria Apartment. Surprise to see the club house area was quite occupied by some bangla and vietnamese. Then, Prakash told us that most of them occupied that apartment as most of them are workers for some manufacturing companies around there. I must say the place was quite comfortable for them there...Guess the companies able to afford that for their employees. Lucky them.
As for me, I love the view from there...The swimming pool, the spacious area nice for sky viewing. As for the five of us, initially we were a bit awkward since some of us were strangers to each other and so the ice breaking session started off.. :)
We even had a few tequila funny when the girls prepared all the lemons and salt to pack along..owh, not to mention the glasses! Haha. Then, I realized I was a bit dizzy when I was on my way to the toilet..owh, a lil bit tipsy I guess. As we chatting away and laughed hard with some jokes, the fireworks were all over the places. It was a superb view from that 2nd floor....
And then, something happened after was all about the 'mangkuk tandas'. As usual me and Ycca visited the toilet like for the umpteenth times due to the beer and tequila and suddenly I heard something dropped down into the toilet bowl just next to mine. I was like..'oh owh....' then the girl started to scream. Her car keys were in the toilet bowl!!!
Now, both of us showed the distress looks as we realized we were unable to get the spare key in the house since the house key was in the car! Die die.... Then, we were all looking for something in attempt to get the car keys. Prakash had to sacrificed his hanger so that we able to make a hook out of it. Eventhough we all took turn trying hard to dig it up but to no avail. Second option was to break into the car, we had a brief discussion back to our spot and surprisingly to see everyone looked so awake despite the tipsy (except for Jes and Prakash I think). So, that was the brainstorming session...hahaha! What a way to get your brain wide awake!
While the 3 of them left to the car park to attempt for the break in, Jessie and me still trying hard to get the car keys from the toilet bowl. Then, the inevitable act..I did something and we both promised not to tell. Hahaha.
We even tried to hide it when Ycca finally back and joined us. Thus, now it's a secret for the 3 of us to keep. Hehe..
But I must say Jessie was really persistent in the effort to retrieve back the car keys eventhough we knew it's impossible. Well, she believed we'll able to get it with a wire or something. That's when I frequently bombarded her with the question ' mangkuk kah keta?' whenever she mentioned 'wayar' I'm not sure she mentioned that would be useful for the break in of the car or for the car keys..again, that's something that would crack us up into a laughter. The official catch phrase for the incident..hahaha!
They even tried to broke in the car but unable to do so as they had the problem with the rubber stuff at the car window. Then, bad news for both of us Jesse as we both left our wallets in the car's compartment. Damn! Now we were like the illegal foreigners without any Identity Card and money!!
We were left with no choice but to wait for tomorrow and call for a mechanic that's available on holiday. Vijay even suggested us to stay at his place and he would sleep over at Prakash's place. Luckily Ycca mentioned of Kajang..I almost forgotten that we do have a place to go afterall...yay! But the problem was that we had to trouble Prakash to send us over to Kajang as he's having his discussion a few hours later for his classes.
Somehow, it was not a boring sleepy journey back to Kajang as we were burst into big laughs when we passed by the first toll. We were basically laughing over Prakash's reaction to the reduced price of the toll during that hour. He was so puzzled and with a big voice he said..'owh sudah kurang ka?' and the lady totally ignored him..
I'm not sure how to explain the situation at that point of time but we were all laughing like mad that even tears rolling down from my eyes. Haduiiiii..
So, the episodes continued when we had to woke up early to catch the KTM back to Prakash's place as we already bought tickets to watch Jackie Chan's movie at 1pm and so we need to settle it all before that. Whle waiting for the KTM, the 3 of us still can laugh over some stupid jokes we had about the silly incident..not to mention how pitiful I felt without any money and IC with me.
Fuhhh...Luckily, Ycca's hero (as what she claimed :p) Iniyan came to save the day with Mr David from Perodua brought specially to broke in the car through the small window and took it back with him to the service center. Finally, we able to heave a sigh of relief....
So, luckily we still have my car for transportation and off we went again, this watch Jackie Chan's Little Big Soldier.
Indeed, it was a long long memorable day) for me.
Owh, but we still have this 'gratitude list' to settle after this. *Winks*
You might celebrated the special occasions with your own ways and as for me, mine was not that fancy but I never had that much laughs in a day, I'm contented. It was dope... :)
Last but not least, I hope everyone had a blast for the CNY and V-day...celebrate it with style people!!! Yeah! ^^
p/s: Too bad we didn't have nice pictures but luckily Jessie managed to sneaked a bit and captured the moments with her camera. Thanx gal! At least we had some of it to laugh over.. ^^
Finally the holiday...and now, as I'm about to update my blog, today would be my last day for holiday. Again, how time flies...
I've bet almost everyone had planned their holiday but for me, all I wanted was to catch up some sleep on that Saturday. I woke up early though as I need to get back to Kajang to pick up some stuff before I got back in time in Kepong as my friend Ycca told me that we're going somewhere with the sport attire. My guess was we're going to hit the gym. =.=
Too bad she wasn't spilling much when I popped out a few questions to her.
But then, we had to go for a brief shopping before hitting the gym and when we arrived at the gym...I was bewildered. Fitness First?! =.=
First of all, I dreaded with the idea of going to gym since she didn't tell much about it. Addmore, I wasn't ready to sweat at a fitness center!
Only then I knew she's a new member of that fitness center and able to invite a friend to go with her occasionally. The thing was that, I was so tired and sleepy at that point. More like a grumpy old lady..
As the substituted personal trainer of hers approached her, we were told to go for the treadmill. Frankly speaking, I loved it. Nice environment..there were like more than 10 TVs in front with different channels to watch while you're working your ass hard to sweat or you could just plug in the headphone to the equipment to tune into your favourite channel.
Then, we proceed to the exercise bikes. Little did I know, I almost caught in asthma while doing it! I was trying so hard as my friend was like so way ahead of me and with that personal trainer kept on telling me to speed it up...what the heck! What made it even worse was that, my butt hurt like hell!! I guess I didn't adjust my seat well before I got onto it.
Teruk lar me...With that, I would say that's my least favourite part of it eventhough I love cycling on a real bicycle. I was struggling gasping air while trying hard to finish up the 10 minutes on that bike. That was the longest 10 minutes in my life, duh!

Photo credit:
The last part was the cross trainers. Luckily, I coped well with this one..Gained back the momentum with the cross trainers and we were both laughing hard when I told her that funny tired face of hers! Hahaha...she can't bear with that we were even. XPSo, it's not that bad after all except the part where I almost had my asthma on the exercise bikes...couldn't believe that! So far I have no problem with my asthma when I'm swimming but really didn't expected that could happen at the gym.
Finally, we left with the satisfying smiling faces for able to burn some calories there....but however, we compensated the burnt calories with another eat out at KFC with Jessie after picking her up at Kepong Sentral! Waduh waduh.....So I guess the work out merely did the favour of burning the calories. But hey, we had fun! ^^
Proceed to the next plan for the day was, hangout session at Prakash's place as Ycca's colleague invited us to celebrate the CNY Eve & Valentine's day in advance I guess. At first, I was a bit reluctant when Ycca told me the idea as I'm not familiar with Prakash and Vijay eventhough we all work in the same company. But heck, better spend some time outside during such occasion so I tagged along. Would be so pitiful to stay at home isn't it? @___@
After bought some snacks at Jusco, off we went to the next destination...Damansara Suria Apartment. Surprise to see the club house area was quite occupied by some bangla and vietnamese. Then, Prakash told us that most of them occupied that apartment as most of them are workers for some manufacturing companies around there. I must say the place was quite comfortable for them there...Guess the companies able to afford that for their employees. Lucky them.
As for me, I love the view from there...The swimming pool, the spacious area nice for sky viewing. As for the five of us, initially we were a bit awkward since some of us were strangers to each other and so the ice breaking session started off.. :)
We even had a few tequila funny when the girls prepared all the lemons and salt to pack along..owh, not to mention the glasses! Haha. Then, I realized I was a bit dizzy when I was on my way to the toilet..owh, a lil bit tipsy I guess. As we chatting away and laughed hard with some jokes, the fireworks were all over the places. It was a superb view from that 2nd floor....
And then, something happened after was all about the 'mangkuk tandas'. As usual me and Ycca visited the toilet like for the umpteenth times due to the beer and tequila and suddenly I heard something dropped down into the toilet bowl just next to mine. I was like..'oh owh....' then the girl started to scream. Her car keys were in the toilet bowl!!!
Now, both of us showed the distress looks as we realized we were unable to get the spare key in the house since the house key was in the car! Die die.... Then, we were all looking for something in attempt to get the car keys. Prakash had to sacrificed his hanger so that we able to make a hook out of it. Eventhough we all took turn trying hard to dig it up but to no avail. Second option was to break into the car, we had a brief discussion back to our spot and surprisingly to see everyone looked so awake despite the tipsy (except for Jes and Prakash I think). So, that was the brainstorming session...hahaha! What a way to get your brain wide awake!
While the 3 of them left to the car park to attempt for the break in, Jessie and me still trying hard to get the car keys from the toilet bowl. Then, the inevitable act..I did something and we both promised not to tell. Hahaha.
We even tried to hide it when Ycca finally back and joined us. Thus, now it's a secret for the 3 of us to keep. Hehe..
But I must say Jessie was really persistent in the effort to retrieve back the car keys eventhough we knew it's impossible. Well, she believed we'll able to get it with a wire or something. That's when I frequently bombarded her with the question ' mangkuk kah keta?' whenever she mentioned 'wayar' I'm not sure she mentioned that would be useful for the break in of the car or for the car keys..again, that's something that would crack us up into a laughter. The official catch phrase for the incident..hahaha!
They even tried to broke in the car but unable to do so as they had the problem with the rubber stuff at the car window. Then, bad news for both of us Jesse as we both left our wallets in the car's compartment. Damn! Now we were like the illegal foreigners without any Identity Card and money!!
We were left with no choice but to wait for tomorrow and call for a mechanic that's available on holiday. Vijay even suggested us to stay at his place and he would sleep over at Prakash's place. Luckily Ycca mentioned of Kajang..I almost forgotten that we do have a place to go afterall...yay! But the problem was that we had to trouble Prakash to send us over to Kajang as he's having his discussion a few hours later for his classes.
Somehow, it was not a boring sleepy journey back to Kajang as we were burst into big laughs when we passed by the first toll. We were basically laughing over Prakash's reaction to the reduced price of the toll during that hour. He was so puzzled and with a big voice he said..'owh sudah kurang ka?' and the lady totally ignored him..
I'm not sure how to explain the situation at that point of time but we were all laughing like mad that even tears rolling down from my eyes. Haduiiiii..
So, the episodes continued when we had to woke up early to catch the KTM back to Prakash's place as we already bought tickets to watch Jackie Chan's movie at 1pm and so we need to settle it all before that. Whle waiting for the KTM, the 3 of us still can laugh over some stupid jokes we had about the silly incident..not to mention how pitiful I felt without any money and IC with me.
Fuhhh...Luckily, Ycca's hero (as what she claimed :p) Iniyan came to save the day with Mr David from Perodua brought specially to broke in the car through the small window and took it back with him to the service center. Finally, we able to heave a sigh of relief....
So, luckily we still have my car for transportation and off we went again, this watch Jackie Chan's Little Big Soldier.
Indeed, it was a long long memorable day) for me.
Owh, but we still have this 'gratitude list' to settle after this. *Winks*
You might celebrated the special occasions with your own ways and as for me, mine was not that fancy but I never had that much laughs in a day, I'm contented. It was dope... :)
Last but not least, I hope everyone had a blast for the CNY and V-day...celebrate it with style people!!! Yeah! ^^
p/s: Too bad we didn't have nice pictures but luckily Jessie managed to sneaked a bit and captured the moments with her camera. Thanx gal! At least we had some of it to laugh over.. ^^