Youthsays' meet up (unbelievable weekend)
One of my wish finally has been fulfilled!
Somehow, managed to join the other YS members for the free movie screening, Quarantine after confirmed by my trainer that our training has been postponed.
A wide grin on my face. :)
Guess i was so happy and looking forward for the meet up as it was a horrible week for me at work. My mentor once told me that i barely have a life as i spend most of my time at work. Going back home late at night among my new batch..and the next morning you'll see my face, first to arrive. Well i have no choice, i've too many things to do.
Even my team manager was kinda worried and thus advised me to manage my stress and chill out on the weekend.
Khailee was sitting there with the other 2 persons who were busy assisting us for the registration. I was busy filling up some particulars when i heard someone saying hi to me.
Looked was Khailee.
Managed to talk with him for a moment after he stood up offered a handshake. Glad to meet up with him personally. However, at the end of the day, just realized such a waste that we were unable to take a snapshot with him and Arzumy since they weren't able to join us further for the lunch after the movie.
By the way, was excited to meet the Youthsays members around. I was so glad to meet up with Paulin!!!!!! :)
Okay, so not gonna talk more about the movie here as i wouldn't wanna spoil the thrill of watching it yourself. Furthermore, i'm sucks at doing review! :p
But i must admit there were some climax scenes which made me screamed and jumped! Hmm and the intro of the movie is kinda monotonous and boring..
sempat bisik-bisik with Paulin. Oops..hehe.. think i kinda spill a bit on the movie.
Owh, i realized that it turned out that mostly the guys turned out for the movie screening. But unfortunately, i must say that it's not even 150 of us turned out for the movie, kinda disappointing. Addmore, only a few of us join the after movie gathering for the lunch @ Outpost. Wish we all could spend more time together though.
Also, met up with some of the newbies..well practically, a month ago i was quite an active member to join the discussions and the Bruce Lee's contest. Unfortunately after working and series of life events going on, i was on and off for Youthsays. Thus, glad to meet the newbies -Ping aka coltmilk, Jeremy aka sexyback, Cheah, Sarina aka sarimaya, William aka ramblings, Bernard...(and the rest whom i forgotton, sorry ya ^^)
and of course the familiar faces of the YS community, Paulin aka craxgrl, Fad aka Neo, Nazeef aka copy/paste (thank you so much for the ride!!! ^^), Ben Lai, Autumn and EkLern.

Nevertheless, it was a great start for our first meet up after with the various plans done by the community itself came to no avail.

Last but not least, kudos to William aka ramblings for the after movie gathering! :)
To Khailee, Joel and the team, thanks for the free movie screening!! :)
Youthsays rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
P/s:I need more pictures for the gathering!!! Nazeef!!! Ben Lai (eventhough you mentioned you gonna charge us 50 cents for each!)!!! Sarina, you're the camera girl for that day!! Hehe..
By the way, just as i was still thrilled over the YS meet up, something unexpected occured on the next day. *sighs*
Horrible Sunday! heck.
Since i was going out with my ex-housemates for the meet up, i thought it would be better for me to stay a night in Serdang and called for Uncle Tan to send me back to Wangsa Maju with some of my boxes here on the Sunday morning.
As i was busy moving some of my boxes to the ground floor to wait for the taxi's arrival, to my dismay.. one of my box was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heck.
At first, i thought i just have to let it go since it's already gone and there's nothing much i can do about it. But still kept on thinking how fast it happened.
Suddenly, i've just realized something when i was on board of the taxi. My certificates and documents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That box contains all of my important certificates and photocopy of my parents' and my IC.!! Darn! Also, my cheque book! Huh...
Now, how the heck am i gonna go for job interviews in the near future to come??!
Bad day...what a bad day!!! I'm still tired for the whole week and now can't even have a day to rest on the weekend.
Really didnt expect end up losing my important stuff while busy moving out my stuff!
Stupid culprit!!!! What the heck you gonna do with my documents??!!!
I dont mind some of my stuff in that box but i really hope someone would just return my files.
Huh, no time to rest. Got to go back to Serdang...again. No choice but to pack some stuff again to spend a night there and lodge a police report. My oh head is spinning!
Wondering what's up for this week.
P/s: Looks like i have to find another place to rent again lar.. aiyo. I'm a nomad..indeed i am.
A wide grin on my face. :)
Guess i was so happy and looking forward for the meet up as it was a horrible week for me at work. My mentor once told me that i barely have a life as i spend most of my time at work. Going back home late at night among my new batch..and the next morning you'll see my face, first to arrive. Well i have no choice, i've too many things to do.
Even my team manager was kinda worried and thus advised me to manage my stress and chill out on the weekend.
So yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! A meet up for Youthsays!!!!!!
Firstly, met up with my ex-housemates at Kelana Jaya station before heading to Cineleisure Damansara. Instantly recognized the registration counter from afar with the banners for Youth '09 event.
with ex-housemates
Firstly, met up with my ex-housemates at Kelana Jaya station before heading to Cineleisure Damansara. Instantly recognized the registration counter from afar with the banners for Youth '09 event.
Khailee was sitting there with the other 2 persons who were busy assisting us for the registration. I was busy filling up some particulars when i heard someone saying hi to me.
Looked was Khailee.
Managed to talk with him for a moment after he stood up offered a handshake. Glad to meet up with him personally. However, at the end of the day, just realized such a waste that we were unable to take a snapshot with him and Arzumy since they weren't able to join us further for the lunch after the movie.
By the way, was excited to meet the Youthsays members around. I was so glad to meet up with Paulin!!!!!! :)
Okay, so not gonna talk more about the movie here as i wouldn't wanna spoil the thrill of watching it yourself. Furthermore, i'm sucks at doing review! :p
But i must admit there were some climax scenes which made me screamed and jumped! Hmm and the intro of the movie is kinda monotonous and boring..
sempat bisik-bisik with Paulin. Oops..hehe.. think i kinda spill a bit on the movie.
Owh, i realized that it turned out that mostly the guys turned out for the movie screening. But unfortunately, i must say that it's not even 150 of us turned out for the movie, kinda disappointing. Addmore, only a few of us join the after movie gathering for the lunch @ Outpost. Wish we all could spend more time together though.
Also, met up with some of the newbies..well practically, a month ago i was quite an active member to join the discussions and the Bruce Lee's contest. Unfortunately after working and series of life events going on, i was on and off for Youthsays. Thus, glad to meet the newbies -Ping aka coltmilk, Jeremy aka sexyback, Cheah, Sarina aka sarimaya, William aka ramblings, Bernard...(and the rest whom i forgotton, sorry ya ^^)
and of course the familiar faces of the YS community, Paulin aka craxgrl, Fad aka Neo, Nazeef aka copy/paste (thank you so much for the ride!!! ^^), Ben Lai, Autumn and EkLern.
Nevertheless, it was a great start for our first meet up after with the various plans done by the community itself came to no avail.
Last but not least, kudos to William aka ramblings for the after movie gathering! :)
To Khailee, Joel and the team, thanks for the free movie screening!! :)
Youthsays rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
P/s:I need more pictures for the gathering!!! Nazeef!!! Ben Lai (eventhough you mentioned you gonna charge us 50 cents for each!)!!! Sarina, you're the camera girl for that day!! Hehe..
By the way, just as i was still thrilled over the YS meet up, something unexpected occured on the next day. *sighs*
Horrible Sunday! heck.
Since i was going out with my ex-housemates for the meet up, i thought it would be better for me to stay a night in Serdang and called for Uncle Tan to send me back to Wangsa Maju with some of my boxes here on the Sunday morning.
As i was busy moving some of my boxes to the ground floor to wait for the taxi's arrival, to my dismay.. one of my box was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heck.
At first, i thought i just have to let it go since it's already gone and there's nothing much i can do about it. But still kept on thinking how fast it happened.
Suddenly, i've just realized something when i was on board of the taxi. My certificates and documents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That box contains all of my important certificates and photocopy of my parents' and my IC.!! Darn! Also, my cheque book! Huh...
Now, how the heck am i gonna go for job interviews in the near future to come??!
Bad day...what a bad day!!! I'm still tired for the whole week and now can't even have a day to rest on the weekend.
Really didnt expect end up losing my important stuff while busy moving out my stuff!
Stupid culprit!!!! What the heck you gonna do with my documents??!!!
I dont mind some of my stuff in that box but i really hope someone would just return my files.
Huh, no time to rest. Got to go back to Serdang...again. No choice but to pack some stuff again to spend a night there and lodge a police report. My oh head is spinning!
Wondering what's up for this week.
P/s: Looks like i have to find another place to rent again lar.. aiyo. I'm a nomad..indeed i am.
uish~...then how u settle the box thing la?...important docs meh...takot later some irresponsible individuals stole it away
anyways, ure welcome~..^^..glad meeting up wif all of u dat day..:P
rugi didnt come. =( sigh~
ko blk sabah plak..
nazeef: hahah the best pics huh??
i save some of ur pics into my collection k?? glad that sarimaya posted up d least tambah ckit collection..tak puas la ari tu.
well i am worried about my lost docs.
had lodge a report police bt it doesnt really help, unless to get the ori certs back from the jabatan pelajaran.
p/s: hope to c ya soon again! :)
patt: ey, you should join us next time around!! hope to meet ya patt! :)
pakcique: well, sayang time tu tak lar enjoy was a brief meet up and everyone is kinda busy.
hopefully for next gathering, it would be much more fun! ^^
sarimaya: hey girl thnx for sharing the pic wif us!! :)
will link ya blog here too ..
nice meeting u too ^^
fi: well, i barely have a life dear. currently feel like i'm living in hell..everything kinda went upside down at the moment.
so kinda took the chance to chill n went up for the gathering with the YS members. glad i made it.
join us for youthsays lar! :p
link u back liao. ^^
ripsta & annette: was hoping to meet u guys there ya knw..
hoping to meet up soon k? :)
patt: yup too bad it's the exam season for the students.. hope we can meet at one of ys' gathering soon patt! :)
p/s: good luck for the finals! ^^
annette: arrgh! sorry, well i'm a bit left behind for everything now.
bt do let me know if u guys really manage to pull it off for the t-shirt! i want it! :p