Pre CNY aka Night Out @ Bkt Bintang
Chinese new usual. I dont seem to celebrate any festival seasons nowadays..nor Christmas neither CNY..considering that i'm half chinese.
I was still on my leave last week, so me and Ycca had a chance to meet up with my cousin Fiona since Ycca just arrived here in KL. Our plan was just for an outing.
But then we were so exhausted during the outing and just hanging around sitting at the Big Apple around Low Yat Plaza. Suddenly came out with the idea of staying out since we were all so lazy to go back with the public transportation.
We went around at Bukit Bintang area searching for that one night accomodation. Somehow, a few of the hotels were occupied. We finally checked in at Sungai Wang Hotel....not a grand hotel yet just enough for the 3 of us considering that we just need a place to crash for the night.
Checked in and cleaned ourselves...then we hit the street...again. Our legs were soooooo sore though. Nevertheless, it's fun! :)
Loitering around and get some necessities since we had nothing...not even extra clothes! Haha.
Of course, bought some clothes for the night out later....
Went to Jalan Alor for food hunting! Heaven of food! :)
I've been eating and eating during my annual leave. Indeed a 'pleasant surprise' to know that i've gain some weights! #_#

Then we just walking aimlessly...somehow landed at Yiqi Beer Garden. We were attracted with the music playing and the nice open air concept bar. We went in and order some drinks. Fabulous place to chill. Nice selection of songs too.

We were too engaged with our conversations that somehow both Ycca and me seemed to hear the DJ mentioning something about Sabah and Sarawak but ignored it. Somehow when DJ Sherman came and join us at our table that only we realized that he was actually dedicating the song to us... guess the Borneo looks are too obvious..even in the dark! Hahaha.
He hang out awhile and finally left by giving his number to us which apparently no one intended to take the handphones out just to take down his number. Poor Ycca was busy with her handphone when Fi and I immediately turned to her and asked her to take down the number. VICTIM (Ycca)!!! :p
Hope he didnt think we were rude though. Ouch! @_@
From the conversation we had with him, Yiqi Beer Garden is going to be closed down or for renovation if i'm not mistaken during the end of January. Somehow, feels like it's such a waste if they gonna closed it down. I love the atmosphere there.....
We left the place when DJ Sherman resumed playing some CNY songs... he had to play it though, that's what he told us. But well, we're not interested of hearing some CNY songs at the we took off after for like hours chilling out there.
Nevertheless, it was a great fulfilling day we had...^^
Photo credit: Fiona
yup, yiqi is a nice place to chill with the nice songs playing....
too bad it's closing down..
chan: mmg seronok...heheh
ripsta: oy, it was a girl outing lar and we tak plan pun...nxt time our turn lor... bring paulin! :p