Youth 09/ Youthsays gathering
New year first post. I was digressing to post it last week. Anyway, last week my laptop finally really went haywire. Ended up traded it in at Low Yat and bought a new one. Still, i miss my old laptop.... it has been with more for almost 4 years. Haih, not to mention the sentimental value that it has to me. :(
By the way, managed to join Alan aka Jordy's group for the Youth 09. Woke up as early as 6.30 am with Alan's sms waking me up...hahaha. Well, i tagged along with him and his housemate Jackson for the meetup with the rest before heading off to the event together.
It's great to meet up with the rest during the breakfast... a few new faces like Renee, Michelle (Paulin's friend from Seremban), Nik, Jience and a few of friends which came together with Ripsta aka Adill. Owh and finally meet up with Ripsta since i didnt manage to join the Bolt movie. Glad to meet him. :)
As usual, it was great to meet up with the old catch up again with them.... such as Paulin, Nazeef, Neo, EkLern and Ping. After that, we headed off to PWTC together. We even have our own 'tour guide' Asyraf aka TPK showing us around after getting our hands stamped during the registration.
Hmmm speaking of which, i had my pass printed in A4 size which i forgotten to resize and the guy at the registration was taken aback with the extra large pass!!
Heck, i wasn't the only one. Jackson and Alan too have their A4 size passes!!! Hahaha!
Well, still i didnt get my goodie bag though with the extra large size pass. Hehe .
He told me to come and collect it after 1 hour...Haih, didnt bother though.
So, went around and i was fond with the graffiti right at the entrance before entering the hall. I'm so amazed with the excellent piece of art.
Went around and bumped into that junior again whom i met at Tony Roma's during my christmas lunch with a bunch of Youthsays' members. Forgotten his name but this time i did go up and talked to him for awhile. Well, without hesistation too he immediately promoting to me about the celcom thingy... heheh i wasnt interested at all as i'm busy following the group.
Actually, i was quite bored as there's nothing really captured my interest. I was hoping to watch the street dance challenge but it's on the last day of the event. Too bad.
There were more displaying/selling booths than whatever happening events though...
Soon after that, we went off for lunch whereby Michelle and her boyfriend managed to join us too. Glad to meet Mich again after the last meetup. :)
Somehow, after finishing our lunch, Jie Juan joined us for a brief moment before heading back to PWTC with Asyraf for their voluntary activities. Most of the members took up early after the lunch which left a few of us.
In the end, Alan, Jackson, Paulin, Adill and me went for a movie at Times Square. Before going for a movie we even went to mamak stall again for yum cha. Adill and Paulin even doodling around on the tissue with the free pen provided from the friendster's booth. Hehehe.. us.. chilling and doing random stuff.
Anyway, hope able to meet up again with all since Alan is no longer joining Youthsays. Still keeping fingers crossed for another event/activities initiated by anyone of the members too.
By the way, Ripsta aka's the plan with the trip???
Hehehe..this time aiming for a trip for the members...... :)
P/s: More photos at FB & FS... ^^
nak join tp xdpt..
but, i really love to meet u there and had a great chat whole day..
we really had a great day are we.. hehehhe
chan: takpa chan...lain kali if dpt ko join lah kami ^^
ripsta: hahaha... hmm kinda weird calling you Adill in the post too..hehe
nice to meet u too! :)