Packing...moving out...unpacking...
I've been doing it since i came here in Selangor to study. Still can recall back all the troublesome of moving out to another residential college with the frickin' annoying taxi driver too... what a mess.
Then in second year, not that i moved to another residential college. But this time, I'm moving to another block. Huh.. From the 4th floor to the 5th floor of the other block which was 3 blocks away from the previous one.
Moving out from UPM wasn't easy for me too. With my horrible driving skill, and with doubt, i carried on renting for a car to move out all the stuff including for my friend. It was friday, and gosh, the congested road due to the friday prayer which held every week at our mosque in UPM really getting on my nerves and at the same time, intimidated me...i was worried like hell that i'm gonna bumped into other cars.
Pretty lucky that i didnt run over someone or other vehicle that time.... owh well, eventhough at last i've scratched the rented car because of the stupid parking! Hahahah!
Phew!!!! It was like...the whole day for that process of moving out.
Then, after working in Citibank, without really a proper plan.. move out soon after coming back from Park Royal Hotel (accompanying my family for the convocation) which wasn't a pretty pleasant surprise for my housemates..well neither me too.
So, rented a place here in Wangsa Maju which eventually the so-called nice old man whom i considered as someone i respect turned out to be an alcoholic and constantly asking money from me eventhough he's like thousands miles away from me (well, he's in Sabah after a few days i moved in), 'harrasing' me through phones. Heck! I need to get out...
Now, here i am... moved into this old house...which firstly i thought could be a nice place to rent until i found out the sink in the toilet is blocked, with the almost drop-off shower head... and, the annoying noise of the ceiling fan! Geez, what was i thinking when i first came to look at the room..
Haih, my colleague should have notify me earlier that she has found a house to rent together.
I need a place to call home sweet home!!!!!!

I've been doing it since i came here in Selangor to study. Still can recall back all the troublesome of moving out to another residential college with the frickin' annoying taxi driver too... what a mess.
Then in second year, not that i moved to another residential college. But this time, I'm moving to another block. Huh.. From the 4th floor to the 5th floor of the other block which was 3 blocks away from the previous one.
Moving out from UPM wasn't easy for me too. With my horrible driving skill, and with doubt, i carried on renting for a car to move out all the stuff including for my friend. It was friday, and gosh, the congested road due to the friday prayer which held every week at our mosque in UPM really getting on my nerves and at the same time, intimidated me...i was worried like hell that i'm gonna bumped into other cars.
Pretty lucky that i didnt run over someone or other vehicle that time.... owh well, eventhough at last i've scratched the rented car because of the stupid parking! Hahahah!
Phew!!!! It was like...the whole day for that process of moving out.
Then, after working in Citibank, without really a proper plan.. move out soon after coming back from Park Royal Hotel (accompanying my family for the convocation) which wasn't a pretty pleasant surprise for my housemates..well neither me too.
So, rented a place here in Wangsa Maju which eventually the so-called nice old man whom i considered as someone i respect turned out to be an alcoholic and constantly asking money from me eventhough he's like thousands miles away from me (well, he's in Sabah after a few days i moved in), 'harrasing' me through phones. Heck! I need to get out...
Now, here i am... moved into this old house...which firstly i thought could be a nice place to rent until i found out the sink in the toilet is blocked, with the almost drop-off shower head... and, the annoying noise of the ceiling fan! Geez, what was i thinking when i first came to look at the room..
Haih, my colleague should have notify me earlier that she has found a house to rent together.
I need a place to call home sweet home!!!!!!

Somehow i miss my ex-housemates..
Guess that snow thingy aint obvious in this picture

Well, guess when i heard everyone is having a plan for christmas, it sounds pathetic to spend the day alone in the room on the festive season. I've relented.
Met up with Alan, Jie Juan, Michelle, Ashraf and Alvin for the lunch. Glad to meet up with them since i didnt even had the chance to talk to them during the YS' first meetup for the Quarantine free screening.....
I think i met a junior too in that restaurant as that familiar face kept on watching me afar.. Hahah...Now i know his name after struggling to figure out his name during that time.#_#
Anyway, i didnt get any pictures as everyone was busy snapping. A few nice pictures from Michelle and Alan... the only picture i snapped from my camera was the snowing scene in Mid Valley...
By the way, this year's christmas is nothing special to me as usual. But luckily Alan aka Jordy from Youthsays called me join them for a lunch at Tony Roma's in Mid Valley. I was hesitating
as usual as it's a day off for me and normally i'm so lazy to get out from the bed at the early hours.
as usual as it's a day off for me and normally i'm so lazy to get out from the bed at the early hours.
Well, guess when i heard everyone is having a plan for christmas, it sounds pathetic to spend the day alone in the room on the festive season. I've relented.
Met up with Alan, Jie Juan, Michelle, Ashraf and Alvin for the lunch. Glad to meet up with them since i didnt even had the chance to talk to them during the YS' first meetup for the Quarantine free screening.....
I think i met a junior too in that restaurant as that familiar face kept on watching me afar.. Hahah...Now i know his name after struggling to figure out his name during that time.#_#
Anyway, i didnt get any pictures as everyone was busy snapping. A few nice pictures from Michelle and Alan... the only picture i snapped from my camera was the snowing scene in Mid Valley...
Guess that snow thingy aint obvious in this picture
Owh, about Youth 09..almost forgotten about the pass. I thought i've got it during the first blast of the email so i was looking high and low in my emails..... suddenly plak the webpage has been removed.
Well, they've updated everything in Youthsays, all i have to do is just click on that magic button. So here's mine..yet to be printed though..hahaha!

Join our group for the event too!! Sure we gonna have a blast!! :)
Well, they've updated everything in Youthsays, all i have to do is just click on that magic button. So here's mine..yet to be printed though..hahaha!
Join our group for the event too!! Sure we gonna have a blast!! :)
P/s: My laptop is almost 'kong' ... somehow it keeps on blink blink!!! I mean the whole screen went haywire!! hmm, any suggestion on that?? :(
P/p/s: Double whammy again...*sighs*
P/p/s: Double whammy again...*sighs*
sypun nak pegi gak..
tp i know that i cant make it..
well stef, i got a job oledy..
supposely kena melapor d cheras..
but then they called me last week..
i have to do it at kota bharu je..
erm~ if not, mesti dpt jumpa ko..
best nya kamu sana ambil2 gambar
i hate packing and unpacking too..
guess i have to meet up wif u guys at youth09..
that is, if im not bz wif assignments...~
happy new year stef!!!
keja apa ko dpt tu??? dah start??
christine: well i was too tired to take more pics...just a few shoots though..heheh
izza: well guess no one likes to pack and unpack..for constantly...
nazeef: hepi new year to u too!! sorry for the hiatus, my laptop went haywire...
hope to meet u at youth 09!! dont be busy on that day! :p
sy dah jadi junior lect d masterskill cawangan KB..
still d kelate la sy.. hehe..
shahrin: well, i've moved out now. yeah i got the pass but nowhere to be printed yet..haih.. ey ur going??
gaji ko lagi besar sy rasa..
sy junior lect jak..
br berjinak2 mau ngajar..
anyway, gud luck dear! :p
it was fun just to hang out with the rest and hope somehow one day you could join us :)