busy busy busy!!!!
My table is such a mess.. random/foreign stuff all laying on the table, almost buried my laptop! My clothes are left piled on the box. No time to fold and arrange them into the closet. That's the current situation of mine...busy mode. Exhausted!!!
This is the month that i'm so loath to go through.
~Job training is getting tougher and confussing...more quizzes and role play...aih.
~Back and forth to UPM to settle this and that.
~Finding a new place to rent.
~Convocation on the 21st.
~Meeting dad who's coming back from Qatar on the 17th.
~Mum and sis coming on the 18th and have to accompany them..that means working from the hotel for a few days till 23rd.
~Time management plan for mum and dad (*wonder how's that gonna be since we gonna stay in the same hotel).
~ Gonna be live on call this 20th.. sure it's gonna be nerve wrecking experience!! My first day officially on duty whilst on training.
*Parents divorced since i was 7 so was raised up by my mum. no idea on how to spend time separately with them during their stay here.
Again, how time flies! 0.o
Heck. Barely enjoyed my weekend. Wasted my saturday morning (that time is much appreciated if i spent it for my revision!!!!!!)at UPM to settle the whole convocation's procedures as well as to take the robe and mortar board .
Long story, dont wanna whine about it here. In the end, walking back home frustratedly and coming back again on the next Sunday morning. How i hate to wake up on the early morning. I mean it's WEEKEND!!!!!
Pissed off!!
photo credit:21stcenturymed.org
By the way, luckily everything went out smoothly during the second round of my visit to UPM to settle the whole procedure. Much better with the queue too (hate queue jumpers, dont you think so??? damn annoying!!).
Thought gonna stopped by at home to drop things off before going to Wangsa Maju to meet a friend of mine to find a place to rent there. But i was loathe to wait for another bus. Coincidentally housemate and me finished up everything there in UPM almost at the same time so we headed to Midvalley right after that..with a big bag of the robe and mortar board. Deh...
Didnt expect my friend was bringing her boyfriend to drive us around the area looking for a place to rent. Both are them such a sweet and nice person. Really appreciate them for the favour.
Actually, renting a room with a bunch of strangers in the house is something that really bothers me. But we can't find an empty house. Addmore, who's gonna rent it with me?? Doom paying rent eh...
I noticed that the area is mostly occupied by chinese..well college's students i guess.
Then, somehow we've saw a notice outside the random house that we just passed by and luckily the owner of the house was at home. That was the only house that really attracts my interest. Very neat and clean. An old Sabahan man living alone. But since it's an air-conditioned room, the rental is pretty expensive. Well, guess it's worth it since the room and bathroom were renovated.
Wish could rent that place with Ycca. Thought she could make up her mind immediately and come to Wangsa Maju to stay with me and looking for a job here instead of Miri. At the moment, guess i'm gonna rent the place with my friend's colleague whom i have not even met yet.
Wait, did i just made up my mind to rent that place????! >.>
By the way, it tickled me when my friend told me she felt something fishy/bizzare about the old man. LOL!!
But it's just her feelings towards some old man, she said vaguely. >.< What's your say????
Owh, but according to the Uncle Dumil (yes, that old man i've mentioned), a chinese guy is gonna move in too next month in the small room though. I've seen the room, it's wayyyyyyyyyyy different from the room that i'm planning to rent. I just love the room that i've plan to rent!!
By the way, a message to my lil sister ( i know she wouldn't read it, just wanna convey my love message to my beloved sister!!! >.<... Good luck with the PMR and up coming UEC examinations!!!!!!! I miss ya! I know you'll do well because you never let me worry about you!
Jie ♥♥ you so much..will buy you something during your visit here with mummy!! Hehehe..
P/s: I miss Youthsays.... can't log in since a few hours ago, proxy error again.
Catch up with ya guys soon though!!! =)
This is the month that i'm so loath to go through.
~Job training is getting tougher and confussing...more quizzes and role play...aih.
~Back and forth to UPM to settle this and that.
~Finding a new place to rent.
~Convocation on the 21st.
~Meeting dad who's coming back from Qatar on the 17th.
~Mum and sis coming on the 18th and have to accompany them..that means working from the hotel for a few days till 23rd.
~Time management plan for mum and dad (*wonder how's that gonna be since we gonna stay in the same hotel).
~ Gonna be live on call this 20th.. sure it's gonna be nerve wrecking experience!! My first day officially on duty whilst on training.
*Parents divorced since i was 7 so was raised up by my mum. no idea on how to spend time separately with them during their stay here.
Again, how time flies! 0.o
Heck. Barely enjoyed my weekend. Wasted my saturday morning (that time is much appreciated if i spent it for my revision!!!!!!)at UPM to settle the whole convocation's procedures as well as to take the robe and mortar board .

Pissed off!!
photo credit:21stcenturymed.org
By the way, luckily everything went out smoothly during the second round of my visit to UPM to settle the whole procedure. Much better with the queue too (hate queue jumpers, dont you think so??? damn annoying!!).
Thought gonna stopped by at home to drop things off before going to Wangsa Maju to meet a friend of mine to find a place to rent there. But i was loathe to wait for another bus. Coincidentally housemate and me finished up everything there in UPM almost at the same time so we headed to Midvalley right after that..with a big bag of the robe and mortar board. Deh...
Didnt expect my friend was bringing her boyfriend to drive us around the area looking for a place to rent. Both are them such a sweet and nice person. Really appreciate them for the favour.
Actually, renting a room with a bunch of strangers in the house is something that really bothers me. But we can't find an empty house. Addmore, who's gonna rent it with me?? Doom paying rent eh...
I noticed that the area is mostly occupied by chinese..well college's students i guess.
Then, somehow we've saw a notice outside the random house that we just passed by and luckily the owner of the house was at home. That was the only house that really attracts my interest. Very neat and clean. An old Sabahan man living alone. But since it's an air-conditioned room, the rental is pretty expensive. Well, guess it's worth it since the room and bathroom were renovated.
Wish could rent that place with Ycca. Thought she could make up her mind immediately and come to Wangsa Maju to stay with me and looking for a job here instead of Miri. At the moment, guess i'm gonna rent the place with my friend's colleague whom i have not even met yet.
Wait, did i just made up my mind to rent that place????! >.>
By the way, it tickled me when my friend told me she felt something fishy/bizzare about the old man. LOL!!
But it's just her feelings towards some old man, she said vaguely. >.< What's your say????
Owh, but according to the Uncle Dumil (yes, that old man i've mentioned), a chinese guy is gonna move in too next month in the small room though. I've seen the room, it's wayyyyyyyyyyy different from the room that i'm planning to rent. I just love the room that i've plan to rent!!
By the way, a message to my lil sister ( i know she wouldn't read it, just wanna convey my love message to my beloved sister!!! >.<... Good luck with the PMR and up coming UEC examinations!!!!!!! I miss ya! I know you'll do well because you never let me worry about you!
Jie ♥♥ you so much..will buy you something during your visit here with mummy!! Hehehe..
P/s: I miss Youthsays.... can't log in since a few hours ago, proxy error again.
Catch up with ya guys soon though!!! =)
thanx anyway.
owh, i was majoring in industrial chemistry :)
sorry bout the downtime, we are plugging those little leak here and there that wasn't obvious back then, only appears when there's lotsa users.
we promise to make YouthSay.com a world class app like facebook and google. it's a long journey i know. really appreciate you stick along this journey with us.
seriously it's driving me up to the wall when my fellow course mates/others took advantage on me and my friends that day.
well i understand about the situation. i know youthsays team is trying their best to tweak any technical problems.
and yes, please make YS recognized by anyone around the globe!!! teehee >.<
as usual, will do my best to support YS (",)
my new URL replacing Rapide Indolore is http://troisnyx.blogspot.com/
been away frm home so just got back and online to catch up with everything...
good luck with ur exam ya!
noted on the link :)