Mentality of some random Malaysians
I was amused when reading thoroughly the arguments posted in the 'TAK NAK PETRONAS" group in Facebook.

Nowadays, you can create your own group(s) with ease over the cyberspace through various social networking websites..just within your fingertips. 'Thank' goodness to nowadays' technology!
Yeah I know the fuel price hiking news is totally a stale news now ( yeah, but at least petrol price is marginally decreased)... but couldn't help myself to blog about it. In my opinion, this group which is created by that someone (check out on the link, I wouldn't name the person here) aka 'Ayahanda' is totally a fiasco. Oops! :)
Ranting like a teenager or worst, like a child.... so much of a 'mature' way to channel the frustration and complaints. If you would notice (right side of the profile), there's even a list of the so-called 'officers' appointed among its members such as Ayahanda (the creator himself), Ketua Jajahan Tanah Besar, Ketua Bahagian Propaganda Kawasan Timur Japan and the list goes on...
I wonder how they play their roles in curbing the whole 'hooh-hahh' scenario because of the fuel price hiking?
In fact all Malaysians were taken aback with the shocking announcement of the petrol price hiking, but I would never thought people would opt for this way to deal with the situation. I mean, wouldn't it be better if we channel our complaints or vent out the frustration through the proper source(s)/solution(s)??
Barking up and with the spat going on endlessly about it with the so-called 'effective' way by boycotting Petronas isn't the smartest way to alleviate the situation. In fact, he's telling everyone to opt for Shell, Esso and the others except for PETRONAS, favouring the foreign companies (of course it's totally up to the consumers for the preferrable service/brand) in facing such affliction.
The ironic part is that, he mentioning having a few friends working in PDB (Petronas Dagangan Berhad) and an uncle working as GM in Petronas...he 'proudly' to mention that his uncle actually opts for Shell as well. Suffice to say, he's stating that his uncle is boycotting the company that has been hiring his uncle which enables him to pay off all of his bills??!!0.o
Is this for real?? Or just another brag??? You be the judge.
Alang-alang, just boycott all of the petrol stations then. Ride a bicycle. Environmental friendly ma... haish.
Hmmm, ' applause' to Ayahanda for getting influenced by Phillip Hollsworth, a retired Coca Cola executive (read at the basic info section at the profile).
They prefer to comply to an outsider despite of finding the proper solutions to overcome this situation for the betterment of the whole Malaysians. Better yet, why don't just send a lengthy 'argumentative' (which i doubt so) point of views or complaints asking for discount from the Petronas's President, Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Hassan Marican?? Directly wat......
His catch-phrase, discount....was posted all over the wall (mind you, not that wall...i mean the facebook thingy)... as if someone is bargaining for petrol at the night market. Wahhhh laaauuuu! 'Salute' eh!
Don't get me wrong. I'm not against the 'Ayahanda' (errrrrr) and his members on this matter. In fact, what do i know more regarding of this GLOBAL fuel price effect??? Clueless....
Just that I dont see the rationale behind all of this 'hooh-hah' group in degrading the image of your own country and the leaders (well, click here to view the distateful images, i dont even wanna post up the images here).
Also, I notice that people are just joining that group just merely for the dissatisfaction towards our goverment or Petronas without knowing what's the true rational objectives behind it. What do you aim in joining this group?? In the end, what do you get as for the result of this so-called 'boycotting' Petronas?? Do all of them really boycott Petronas despite of their joining in that group???? Irony...Just some points to ponder anyway.
Looking back at the comments, balik-balik the same people pun. Where are the voices of the rest of the members?? Ahli tidur eh?? Haha! Sorry, couldn't help myself laughing over it. It's really 'entertaining' to see how sometimes adult could act in a very childish way nowadays :)
Of course we have the right to vent and rant but is this the only way to deal with it? Where it's gonna lead us from there??? Chaos?? For worst, riot??? Wouldn't it be better if we just channelling all the dissatisfactions and complaints to the right source in hoping to overcome it. Don't just bark up somewhere!
We all Malaysians do have certain issues that appalled us...but, it's more appreciative to do it in a proper manner way that it really leads to solution (s). Not just making all the 'hooh-hah' behind with all the disparaging remarks and when confronted, not a word uttered. Our mentality?....*sighs*
At this very moment, we Malaysians are facing the uncertainties and eargerly to take a glimpse of the future of Malaysia with TREPIDATION. Don't you think ?
p/s: I never meant to be inclined or against certain people or parties.. just wanna pen my thoughts regarding this matter with the intention to share with the readers and hopefully, something to ponder about.
p/p/s: not to say it's wrong to do the usual vent or grunt regarding all of the issues that we face nowadays... but this one is an absurd way in which i can't help myself to blog about it.... please understand no harm meant :)

Nowadays, you can create your own group(s) with ease over the cyberspace through various social networking websites..just within your fingertips. 'Thank' goodness to nowadays' technology!
Yeah I know the fuel price hiking news is totally a stale news now ( yeah, but at least petrol price is marginally decreased)... but couldn't help myself to blog about it. In my opinion, this group which is created by that someone (check out on the link, I wouldn't name the person here) aka 'Ayahanda' is totally a fiasco. Oops! :)
Ranting like a teenager or worst, like a child.... so much of a 'mature' way to channel the frustration and complaints. If you would notice (right side of the profile), there's even a list of the so-called 'officers' appointed among its members such as Ayahanda (the creator himself), Ketua Jajahan Tanah Besar, Ketua Bahagian Propaganda Kawasan Timur Japan and the list goes on...
I wonder how they play their roles in curbing the whole 'hooh-hahh' scenario because of the fuel price hiking?
In fact all Malaysians were taken aback with the shocking announcement of the petrol price hiking, but I would never thought people would opt for this way to deal with the situation. I mean, wouldn't it be better if we channel our complaints or vent out the frustration through the proper source(s)/solution(s)??
Barking up and with the spat going on endlessly about it with the so-called 'effective' way by boycotting Petronas isn't the smartest way to alleviate the situation. In fact, he's telling everyone to opt for Shell, Esso and the others except for PETRONAS, favouring the foreign companies (of course it's totally up to the consumers for the preferrable service/brand) in facing such affliction.
The ironic part is that, he mentioning having a few friends working in PDB (Petronas Dagangan Berhad) and an uncle working as GM in Petronas...he 'proudly' to mention that his uncle actually opts for Shell as well. Suffice to say, he's stating that his uncle is boycotting the company that has been hiring his uncle which enables him to pay off all of his bills??!!0.o
Is this for real?? Or just another brag??? You be the judge.
Alang-alang, just boycott all of the petrol stations then. Ride a bicycle. Environmental friendly ma... haish.
Hmmm, ' applause' to Ayahanda for getting influenced by Phillip Hollsworth, a retired Coca Cola executive (read at the basic info section at the profile).
They prefer to comply to an outsider despite of finding the proper solutions to overcome this situation for the betterment of the whole Malaysians. Better yet, why don't just send a lengthy 'argumentative' (which i doubt so) point of views or complaints asking for discount from the Petronas's President, Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Hassan Marican?? Directly wat......
His catch-phrase, discount....was posted all over the wall (mind you, not that wall...i mean the facebook thingy)... as if someone is bargaining for petrol at the night market. Wahhhh laaauuuu! 'Salute' eh!
Don't get me wrong. I'm not against the 'Ayahanda' (errrrrr) and his members on this matter. In fact, what do i know more regarding of this GLOBAL fuel price effect??? Clueless....
Just that I dont see the rationale behind all of this 'hooh-hah' group in degrading the image of your own country and the leaders (well, click here to view the distateful images, i dont even wanna post up the images here).
Also, I notice that people are just joining that group just merely for the dissatisfaction towards our goverment or Petronas without knowing what's the true rational objectives behind it. What do you aim in joining this group?? In the end, what do you get as for the result of this so-called 'boycotting' Petronas?? Do all of them really boycott Petronas despite of their joining in that group???? Irony...Just some points to ponder anyway.
Looking back at the comments, balik-balik the same people pun. Where are the voices of the rest of the members?? Ahli tidur eh?? Haha! Sorry, couldn't help myself laughing over it. It's really 'entertaining' to see how sometimes adult could act in a very childish way nowadays :)
Of course we have the right to vent and rant but is this the only way to deal with it? Where it's gonna lead us from there??? Chaos?? For worst, riot??? Wouldn't it be better if we just channelling all the dissatisfactions and complaints to the right source in hoping to overcome it. Don't just bark up somewhere!
We all Malaysians do have certain issues that appalled us...but, it's more appreciative to do it in a proper manner way that it really leads to solution (s). Not just making all the 'hooh-hah' behind with all the disparaging remarks and when confronted, not a word uttered. Our mentality?....*sighs*
At this very moment, we Malaysians are facing the uncertainties and eargerly to take a glimpse of the future of Malaysia with TREPIDATION. Don't you think ?
p/s: I never meant to be inclined or against certain people or parties.. just wanna pen my thoughts regarding this matter with the intention to share with the readers and hopefully, something to ponder about.
p/p/s: not to say it's wrong to do the usual vent or grunt regarding all of the issues that we face nowadays... but this one is an absurd way in which i can't help myself to blog about it.... please understand no harm meant :)
what's the purpose anyway of this group?
even arab saudi control the oil, how come they can you know maybe "taking over it".
even KANYE WEST, asking oil from Arab Saudi Prince.