Yea, I received the job offer from Citibank a few days ago. But frankly speaking, I wasn't really anticipated for it. In fact, I hardly captured every word that Miss Catherine uttered to me through the phone call... my mind was lingering around whilst my eyes gleam staring at the passer-by at KL Sentral not knowing what to say.
I spaced out for awhile.
Obviously, I have mix feelings about the job offer. Still, I tried my best to listen tentatively to her when she mentioned about some documentations to bring along for my next meeting with her.
Initially, I was recommended by a friend for this post in customer service division. I was attracted at first because of the job advancement after a period of 2 years working in that division though. Opportunity for posting to overseas is also part of the reason which caught my attention to apply for Citibank.
But after knowing my mum is unwell and the chances of me going back (for urgency matter only that is) to my hometown is a bit difficult with this job (can't simply take a day off due to the nature of this working environment), my mind is in a whirl...again.
I bet my friends and course mates would be puzzled with my choice of job. Well, I seemingly have lost interest in working related with my education background. People would have thought what an idiot I am to walk that different path from what it is supposed to be....
I must say I do set acceptable standard for myself. I've done my best in trying various well known companies (Shell, Petronas and BAT) which are related to my degree but failed during the second stage of interview which really made me grit on my teeth. At the same time, I had no choice but to reject a few offers (location wise) as well due to my rental contract (in Serdang).
After that, I realize what is it that I really want?? Working in the factory industries (other than the above mentioned companies, I mean I'm looking for other exposure other than just manufacturing line)?? In lab?? I'm not sure if my expression is vague here but it's hard to describe certain aspects that I realize between us who were studying in the science stream compare to the others.
I notice that science students (not all though, no hard feelings ya) lack of certain skills in comparing with other undergraduates who's studying in other fields after I went through a series of interviews and my experience working with JTM. Being a person who never satisfied with myself, I feel the need to expand my horizon and improving my soft skills in other fields.
Maybe I'm lack of passion in doing lab work... or I just loathe doing research (well, there are a few stories behind it though). I still can recall back those gruesome period of completing my final year wasn't a pleasant journey at all!!! Argghhh... but fortunately manage to score it well though.
Anyway, at the meantime I plan not to think too much on the offer as I've yet to prepare the required documentations as well. I have other stuff occupying my mind right now....
Finally, dad and his family are here in KL after completed his working contract in Karratha. Gonna stay over with them for these few days before they depart back to Bintulu.
Oh yeah, it's a pleasant surprise to read on the news today that our PM took public transport here in KTM Serdang to experience the commuters' plight in using local public transportation. I must say I was disgruntled with the problems encountered using the public transportation (Serdang) especially when i was late a few times for work last month.
I spaced out for awhile.
Obviously, I have mix feelings about the job offer. Still, I tried my best to listen tentatively to her when she mentioned about some documentations to bring along for my next meeting with her.
Initially, I was recommended by a friend for this post in customer service division. I was attracted at first because of the job advancement after a period of 2 years working in that division though. Opportunity for posting to overseas is also part of the reason which caught my attention to apply for Citibank.
But after knowing my mum is unwell and the chances of me going back (for urgency matter only that is) to my hometown is a bit difficult with this job (can't simply take a day off due to the nature of this working environment), my mind is in a whirl...again.
I bet my friends and course mates would be puzzled with my choice of job. Well, I seemingly have lost interest in working related with my education background. People would have thought what an idiot I am to walk that different path from what it is supposed to be....
I must say I do set acceptable standard for myself. I've done my best in trying various well known companies (Shell, Petronas and BAT) which are related to my degree but failed during the second stage of interview which really made me grit on my teeth. At the same time, I had no choice but to reject a few offers (location wise) as well due to my rental contract (in Serdang).
After that, I realize what is it that I really want?? Working in the factory industries (other than the above mentioned companies, I mean I'm looking for other exposure other than just manufacturing line)?? In lab?? I'm not sure if my expression is vague here but it's hard to describe certain aspects that I realize between us who were studying in the science stream compare to the others.
I notice that science students (not all though, no hard feelings ya) lack of certain skills in comparing with other undergraduates who's studying in other fields after I went through a series of interviews and my experience working with JTM. Being a person who never satisfied with myself, I feel the need to expand my horizon and improving my soft skills in other fields.
Maybe I'm lack of passion in doing lab work... or I just loathe doing research (well, there are a few stories behind it though). I still can recall back those gruesome period of completing my final year wasn't a pleasant journey at all!!! Argghhh... but fortunately manage to score it well though.
Anyway, at the meantime I plan not to think too much on the offer as I've yet to prepare the required documentations as well. I have other stuff occupying my mind right now....
Finally, dad and his family are here in KL after completed his working contract in Karratha. Gonna stay over with them for these few days before they depart back to Bintulu.
Oh yeah, it's a pleasant surprise to read on the news today that our PM took public transport here in KTM Serdang to experience the commuters' plight in using local public transportation. I must say I was disgruntled with the problems encountered using the public transportation (Serdang) especially when i was late a few times for work last month.

I bet Pak Lah was bewildered to see everyone jostling like madness to board on the train with some people screaming with frustration demanding the other commuters to go further inside of the train to make way for the rest to go in (Ok, that was a scene that i encountered many times before... ).
But well, sure the rest would tolerate and being polite by giving way to him because he's Pak Lah?? Hehe...
So, let's hope our PM could alleviate this stressful problem of the commuters. :)
p/s: I just knew about this coming event, Read While Waiting (Credit to on this saturday 3 pm at KL Sentral. I think it's a great project ( more like a 'sequel' to the Freeze project) though. This could be a friendly reminder of instilling the reading habit among Malaysians. So, please feel free to join.
I wanna go but too bad, I have plan with dad.
p/p/s: Congrats to Jennifer Guma and other UMS's undergraduates for your coming convocation this weekend!!! Have a blast weekend ahead!
ur mum sakit apa?
btw i already move out from the house and now im staying at my aunt's house.. hehe
link exchange? sure. why not! im christine. and you?
shock le?? tell me wat do u think lar..... my mum is having this serious gastric and other minor ailments... poor health lor. really worrying lor.
Christine: owh, dont congrats me yet though.. kinda have second thought abt we'll see ya :)
it's good that you're staying with ur aunt though..hope evertything is well for ya...btw, Stephanie here!!!!!!!nice to knw ya ^^