Industrial Chemistry (2005-2008)
My first step into UPM was kinda nerve wrecking experience for me. I still can recall back how clumy i was with my excess (or the unnecessary extra luggages) luggages. The students and the family members had to board on the UPM's buses to enter the residential colleges. But too bad, my aunt was rushing for her meeting so i have to go by my own.
As i stepped down from the bus, my stupid luggage just fell out from my hand and one of the stand by senior came immediately to my assistance. Felt stupid that moment..because you know why?? Well, being the skema student for most of my learning years..i was wearing this black skirt and white blouse which i obeyed whatever stated in my offer letter from UPM.... they have this dress code for registration .... either you're wearing baju kurung, slack or skirt. Imagine how silly i was with the skirt and carrying all my stuff with my two hands (my mistake to wear the skirt instead of the slack..what the heck i was thinking)?? Duh....
Anyway, that was the first day...lots of stories to tell. But that's was not my priority to tell here though.. I was about to talk regarding of my course mates, how the heck i started off from there??
So shall i begin??... i got this course (industrial chemistry) from UPM. Not sure that was my 5th or 6th choice from my UPU form. At first, kinda glad that i was given this opportunity to further my studies somewhere here in peninsular ( cari pengalaman la konon...) but then... it wasn't what i've expected to be.

My course mates comes from different backgrounds. I think we have more chinese in our course...mostly they were the STPM students. The rest of us.... matriculation students. A few familiar faces from my previous learning institution (KML, 8 of us). So automatically, that makes us friends i guess.
Here's the funny part of all (or..maybe the humiliating part), my course mates thought i was a Malay girl..or Iban (the only race they might know from sarawak i guess). Well, maybe i wasn't caught by surprise ( since i dont look like the typical chinese, hmm) but somehow it's getting annoying when i get such response. So buat-buat show off lar by conversing in mandarin with my chinese course mates..Gotcha! :p
I must say that i'm not too close with all of my course mates ( well of course not all, but some). Somehow, the barrier between the races are so obvious... even a fool would realize it in no time. So, i was kinda frustrated. Not sure why, but this petty matter does really bugging me. I mean back in matriculation, i had fun moments with my friends from different backgrounds and races.... i even have muslim room mates which are close to me. I miss the fun atmosphere in the learning process...what's more was that, i had to go through it for 3 whole years.... pathetic.
No offence, but i have to let it out. One of the reason is that in this university, every residential college has these chinese and indian associations (as far as i know, some are underground though). There's nothing wrong with the foundation or the purposes of the association but i guess some has gone to the extreme, depends on the individuality i guess.
Addmore, with the cluster system whereby in one residential college, students from the same courses are allocated at the same college. So, that basically worsen the unity between different races whereby at college, they are so close to their own association's members and automatically in classes or labs...they are just like blood sisters and brothers..never apart.
Frankly speaking, the bonding between inter-racial among my course mates are the worse compare to the other courses such as Pure Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry. Yeah it's a bitter pill to swallow but hey that's the truth. Sorry if it's too blunt for me to say it.... But how i wish we did get along more and have fun during our 3 years here.
Nevertheless, i met a few great friends...i have a few great indian friends, malays friends and chinese friends. Thanks for the friendship though :)
As i'm counting the days for me to graduate... not to say that i have regret(s) or so...but it was some kind of experience also larr..
By the way kudos to everyone!! Wish you all the best in future undertakings.....^^
As i stepped down from the bus, my stupid luggage just fell out from my hand and one of the stand by senior came immediately to my assistance. Felt stupid that moment..because you know why?? Well, being the skema student for most of my learning years..i was wearing this black skirt and white blouse which i obeyed whatever stated in my offer letter from UPM.... they have this dress code for registration .... either you're wearing baju kurung, slack or skirt. Imagine how silly i was with the skirt and carrying all my stuff with my two hands (my mistake to wear the skirt instead of the slack..what the heck i was thinking)?? Duh....
Anyway, that was the first day...lots of stories to tell. But that's was not my priority to tell here though.. I was about to talk regarding of my course mates, how the heck i started off from there??
So shall i begin??... i got this course (industrial chemistry) from UPM. Not sure that was my 5th or 6th choice from my UPU form. At first, kinda glad that i was given this opportunity to further my studies somewhere here in peninsular ( cari pengalaman la konon...) but then... it wasn't what i've expected to be.
My course mates comes from different backgrounds. I think we have more chinese in our course...mostly they were the STPM students. The rest of us.... matriculation students. A few familiar faces from my previous learning institution (KML, 8 of us). So automatically, that makes us friends i guess.
Here's the funny part of all (or..maybe the humiliating part), my course mates thought i was a Malay girl..or Iban (the only race they might know from sarawak i guess). Well, maybe i wasn't caught by surprise ( since i dont look like the typical chinese, hmm) but somehow it's getting annoying when i get such response. So buat-buat show off lar by conversing in mandarin with my chinese course mates..Gotcha! :p
I must say that i'm not too close with all of my course mates ( well of course not all, but some). Somehow, the barrier between the races are so obvious... even a fool would realize it in no time. So, i was kinda frustrated. Not sure why, but this petty matter does really bugging me. I mean back in matriculation, i had fun moments with my friends from different backgrounds and races.... i even have muslim room mates which are close to me. I miss the fun atmosphere in the learning process...what's more was that, i had to go through it for 3 whole years.... pathetic.
No offence, but i have to let it out. One of the reason is that in this university, every residential college has these chinese and indian associations (as far as i know, some are underground though). There's nothing wrong with the foundation or the purposes of the association but i guess some has gone to the extreme, depends on the individuality i guess.
Addmore, with the cluster system whereby in one residential college, students from the same courses are allocated at the same college. So, that basically worsen the unity between different races whereby at college, they are so close to their own association's members and automatically in classes or labs...they are just like blood sisters and brothers..never apart.
Frankly speaking, the bonding between inter-racial among my course mates are the worse compare to the other courses such as Pure Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry. Yeah it's a bitter pill to swallow but hey that's the truth. Sorry if it's too blunt for me to say it.... But how i wish we did get along more and have fun during our 3 years here.
Nevertheless, i met a few great friends...i have a few great indian friends, malays friends and chinese friends. Thanks for the friendship though :)
As i'm counting the days for me to graduate... not to say that i have regret(s) or so...but it was some kind of experience also larr..
By the way kudos to everyone!! Wish you all the best in future undertakings.....^^
